Wednesday, December 13, 2006
This blog is
10:49 AM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Wah God ah, Windez is super blur. So much to see, know, understand, apply. 1 word, faith.
Through it all, You lift me up and take me to the skies.
10:20 AM
Monday, October 09, 2006
Stop! STOP! STOP THE TIME! Oh God. Effectively ONE more day to CG. I am so not prepared. EEEEEEEK. Can I have 1 more week of practice? Pretty please...? No...
No no no. I am so nervous... And what's with that sly smile over your face Jason! You're not helping... *grumbles*
I want to rest some more! Argh. UT tomorrow. 2 meetings back to back. SOW. CG prep. Final Confirmation. Eeeeeeeeek.
Then someone comes by and says, "Have faith. Like what you said, do your best and let God do the rest."Oh boy.*edit*
Oh yah. RP1 --> The Men. Get that straight.
- 9 now. let's add 2 to the number this saturday. TWO! It will be DONE!
9:48 AM
A few things I am really interested in:
(a) The Sabbath In Contemporary Christian Life
Thank God for Jasmine Poon! She raised a very interesting point regarding Sabbath in modern day.
Genesis 2:2-3 By the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all His work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested from all the work of creating that He had done.
1. What is the importance of having a rest day?
No one is superhuman; in fact, we tire out easily. After a day of hard work we long to lie down on our cosy bed and stretch! Let the wave of drowsiness overcome us and rest in deep sleep. In contemporary context, we see the pace of life has moved up several notches beyond the past. Without adequate rest, we run the risk of burning out.
2. How do we take time off for a Sabbath in our busy schedule?
This needs careful planning and deliberate putting off unimportant things for important rest. I like to use the High Importance, High Urgency/ High Importance, Low Urgency/ Low Importance, High Urgency/ Low Importance, Low Urgency Model for determining what can and needs to (ironically) be put off. But WAIT! Before you go take your rest, there's just one more thing to do...
3. What do we do with the Sabbath time to make it worthwhile?
Depending on your situational and long-term needs. I like taking a whole day off, dividing it up between rest, seeking God and reading resources that build me. Ultimately, this Sabbath time must fit in with the whole long term plan you have for yourself and possibly your group.
Now with that all done, I think it's pretty safe to go get some quality rest now... :)
(b) Multiplying, not just adding, to what I have now, by doing church as a team! It's already effective when you've made it a lifestyle, a personal one; but I gleam to think at the prospects when this lifestyle is snowballed by cooperative action among a group of believers who support each other strongly. Makes Rambo seem like a kid's movie.
And you know what? I've no doubts in the future. Only plans and hope.
12:12 AM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Two can play this game okay! You want to mess up RP?
I can't sleep. I absolutely cannot sleep. Sheeps are crying out to be saved. Shepherds to be raised. A life for You.
Ben Au Ze Ming. You're a good bro. You will make it...
God! Even the seeds are screaming out to be saved!
10:12 AM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Was awesome. The CLM that is. A piece of the puzzle I am, an obedient one I will be. I want to be greater. In Him that is. Was starving when I got out. Thank God for Ben's pineapple tart. I felt better.
Nel's farewell was pretty teary-eyed. She's an awesome leader, very inspiring. All the times we went to Serangoon for CG, and prayer meets with TP. Initiative, love, concern, care, excitement, Spirit-leading, joy, peace, even the black eye liner. I really enjoyed and somehow missed the times spent laming with her and building the group. It's a hard thing parting with her, but I know deep down, deep, deep down, we're never apart. For God's people are binded by Spirit. Am totally excited for you, Nel... *teardrop*
Had a good time of sharing with Tobias on the way home. Then straight after I reached home, I've come back to the battlefield. The enemy never sleeps, never stops planting seeds of bad fruit in the hearts of God's people. That's why discipleship and reponding to it is so important; we need to identify these seeds of bad fruit and weed them out. Correction is tough, correction is hard to accept, but correction is eternal outlook-based.
It is just so, so, so, so extremely hard discipling a person. So hard to correct a person, so hard to put into context something for a person to see, so hard convincing my heart that they will be able to stand the correction and so hard trying not to compromise. I love them so much, it hurts. Hurts, hurts, hurts, hurts! Then God comes it and exchanges it with compassion. And I keep wondering how God always does that for me. Always.
My heart goes out to everyone whom the haze is affecting. Jovin's got a rash. Alvin's got a load of rashes. Jason and Martin's health isn't that good. I'm pretty amazed I am not affected, because medical history-wise, I'm the frailest of my family, getting sick every year. I really, really want to pray for healing for them.
RP WILL GROW, RP WILL GROW! All through the service I was filled with the images of the RP people, past and now, and my heart cried out for more. People like Martin, Jason and Nehemiah can go a long way in God's kingdom. You all can make it! Life with God is special, because it is forever! Gambate!
Leadership is influence. I can't get it out of my mind, ever since the CTM with RP1 just now. It's so elementary yet so important. Each time you interact, you influence. And each time you influence, you lead. Choose to lead well.
Tim Alv.
Martin, Jason, Nehemiah, Heng Yu, Dao, Alen, Windez. Men of God
Sharon, Avril, Mei Yun, Krystal, Jovin, Wei Jian. Women & Men of God
We'll see more. Shepherd me, Lord.
9:46 AM
Friday, October 06, 2006
A learning experience for myself.
Meanwhile, I want to celebrate a few people.
1. Ben, who just quite RP and is going to TP. He will be dearly missed even though we had little chance to converse and share life. Will really be praying that he sees himself grow so much in FCBC. Even though we may not be in the same campus now, we'll still chat, support each other and grow together. See you at the finishing line, and thank God for you and your encouragement bookmark... :)
2. Alen, the bro that got saved last Saturday. Very sincere, very on the ball. Language barrier? Not a chance. I'm so glad that knowing him has gotten me so much more interested in my Mother Tongue now; I've even been praised by a RP acquaintance who's from China about my second language! Quite a miracle for the "yellow on the outside, white on the inside" Windez. And as a result, my dialect improved overall. (p.s. good news, we share the same interest in "Ultraman" :x)
3. Timothy Alvin. We kind of led the Mooncake Celebration just now. He was super ultra really tired but he sent an sms to his dear sheep (that's me!) to encourage me after the event. I thank God for him and pray that he'll jump so much further on that he can lead and grow the group so much more than it is now. I'll be a faithful armour-bearer!
4. Liyan. Dotz la, she's funny and theatrical. And I thought I was the only one who can go bonkers from a serious attitude. Okay... This is sister and leader here has a great phobia for all things furry (thankfully not hairy, or we'll all be her greatest fear). Ironically, she has a "passion" for cockroaches (and I think, spiders?) But all in all, her faith and trust in God really rubs off onto me. Jia you, thank God for you, for always encouraging me!
5. Toby, from adults group. Met him in MM room while fixing stuff for the Church Anniversary. What an awesome hearted bro he is! Lends me things, informs me about stuff, etc. He goes all out to help me grow! So glad to have you as a brother in Christ!
6. Yan Xiang. One of the first few RP guys I got to know in Hope. Been there, done that. Now he's a little less hairy after entering NS, but he's still as much a gentle giant now as before. Loves to help, loves to provide. Jia you in your growth. Some stuff should be settled, but I believe in you bro!
7. Sheeps, Core Team, Care Group, Ministry, Family, Friends... and so on, so many I can't write out tonight!
I just want to sing of Your greatness. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. Faithful and Faith-filled.
10:45 AM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
You save.
You love.
You sustain.
What more can I say?
When I didn't think enough of You, You thought the world of me. And You gave me men, men greater than the world because they love You. And I love You, and I love them. God let RP1 have a revival Spirit and one that sustains and inspires. Let my sins be of no stumbling block to Your plan. Martin, Jason, Nehemiah.
You gave us 4 Cs.
10:18 AM
The Poem
A poem is a feeling,
A heartfelt longing,
What makes it good,
Depends on your mood.
A tingling in your heart,
A quick flash of a dart.
A fragment of your life,
The rhythms of YOUR jive.
So ask not from without,
But seek to show out loud,
For this is truly you,
Done beautifully too.